Funny Magic for Sickness Too Be Gone

Awesome. Laid low so early in the season.

It could be the cold, it could be the tube, it could be the new diet, it could be the recent travel…

Whatevs. I'm sick.

So why not use this opportunity to discuss some tips and tricks for those of us that are sorcerously inclined?

A lot of you may take issue with these points. In particular there is one great big sacred cow that got turned into healing hamburger.

But my father's a doctor and my mother's an energy healer. So I fall pretty militantly into both camps. Hence I have some stringent opinions.

And I can be just as stringent going the other way.

Feel free to disagree with these points just as stringently. I know a bit about this but I am certainly not a medical professional. (Ha.) In fact, I'm quite sure some of you are. So leave some tips, leave offers of prescriptions, leave suggested Mexican non-brand equivalents for things, and we'll see how we get on.

1. No 'Big Magic'

This old chestnut. It interests me that the arguments for and against this always seem to swing on the magic itself… rather than medical best practice. Because -simply put- you will get well faster if you rest somewhere warm. Swinging censers around in the woods behind your house without your clothes on isn't recommended.

So no. With caveats. (Emergency magic, etc) But simply I can't. That's my reasoning. My mind is too blocked to build a sigil, my nose is too blocked. I had been just holding myself together the last few days. But I'm also trying to use my lunch breaks to launch a sigil or two. Greedy bastard that I am, I thought I would risk it today.

After the first one was launched the whole house of cards came down. When I got back to my desk, my colleagues wanted to know what was "wrong with my hideous, bloodshot eyes" and "why I looked like shit". (They're a friendly bunch.)

If you're in the mood, go for some candles and/or incense and a little light prayer. But otherwise, leave it alone. Nobody composes symphonies when they're sick, either.

2. Don't overeat

Commence mini-rant:

Vitamins tablets are more efficient than food once you are sick. And 'more' in that last sentence is relative. People (me) use illness as an excuse to drink litre after litre of orange juice or eat great heaping bowls of fruit. Others put honey in everything. Your body doesn't need that extra kilogram of sugar to 'fight' what's laying you low. If you live in the First World, believe me, you have enough 'fuel'. (Even though all the terms I just used are wildly inaccurate from a biological perspective.)

The vitamins you extract from your food can be preventative. They are not curative. If you think there are some foods out there that fall outside this judgement, Google them first. (Chicken soup made by your grandmother excluded.) If you're on a diet -and I am thanks to the Italians and their delicious wares- be aware that illness can affect your metabolism.

This doesn't mean starve yourself. Even if you can't taste anything. Just realise the road to wellness isn't alimentary.

End mini-rant.

3. Don't underdrink

I just made that word up. But if you're going down the homeopathic/sympathetic magic route then go nuts on the tea and other brews. Believe me, on an objective level, it is far better to "charge" tea or water with healing properties than it is to "charge" food. Food makes the giver feel better more than the patient. And besides, water encodes information way better than pie.

Very few illnesses can be treated with topically active medication and very few non-pharmaceutical grade ointments are strong enough anyway. So, unless it is actually a skin condition, nothing you rub is going to be effective.

As an aside, this is why I don't buy salves. Their effect is purely psychological. That's just not how the skin works: it's designed to keep the outside out. (Related beauty tip: Don't use Vitamin E cream. Take Vitamin E capsules instead.)

4. No divination

Again, no 'non-emergency' divination. (Though, even in divinatory emergencies, it's not like you don't know enough people who can throw a few cards around for you.)

Your results will be waaaay off. Every time I have tried it has been an ugly, foggy, mush.

5. Read something mythic

Maybe this is just me but I don't process cold and flu meds very well at all. Couple them with the disrupted thought patterns you get when you are sick and things go weird inside my skull.

Oddly, the best thing I have found to cope for this is to read something mythic in bed -and fall asleep reading it- so that maybe I can potentially get something out of the archetype kaleidoscope I find myself in. Think of it like leaning into the curve.

Besides, at the very least it makes convalescing interesting.

6. Wait for the 'pop'

I get this more often and faster when I follow step 5. Just wish I could describe it better.

You know the classic shamanic description of illness being about missing soul/spirit parts? I like this a lot. You can tell when you or someone else has recovered the piece (or however you want to describe it).

I feel it like a slightly shaky 'pop' that wakes me up. But 'pop' like 'popped back into place'. I have no memory of what I was just dreaming about when I wake but I do have that much more annoying sensation of feeling that memory is in there. (It's like a corrupted file. You can look at it but you can't open it.)

Even if I still feel unwell, after the 'pop' I know I am on the way back.

7. Complain

Hey, I've got ManFlu. I'm pretty sure constant complaining is one of the symptoms. Everyone at work knows about it. Everyone in my house knows about it. And now so do you.

See you after the 'pop'!


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