nexus The file you uploaded was not one of the accepted file types for this upload.

Are you getting a 'file type is not permitted' mistake in WordPress? The security settings in WordPress can limit the files that you can upload.

In this commodity, we'll prove you lot how to chop-chop solve the error, 'Sorry, this file type is non permitted for security reasons'.

  1. Install the File Upload Types Plugin
  2. Allow Additional File Types in WordPress
  3. Add Custom File Types to WordPress

Our method is completely "no-code", you don't need to edit whatsoever files in WordPress. It also works on regular WordPress and multisite installations.

Create Your WordPress File Upload Form Now

What Is "Sorry, This File Type Is Non Permitted for Security Reasons" in WordPress?

"Lamentable, this file type is non permitted for security reasons" means yous're trying to upload a file that WordPress doesn't support. Just you tin easily fix this with a complimentary WordPress plugin called File Upload Types.

WordPress but allows images, sound, documents, and video files to be uploaded, but that doesn't mean other file types, similar CSV, are a security risk. WordPress has simply locked down allowed files to terminate hackers from uploading malicious content.

WPForms is the best WordPress Form Builder plugin. Get it for costless!

File Upload Types lets you add more 'allowed' file types to WordPress. It'southward piece of cake to employ and avoids editing files in WordPress, which tin cause problems with your site.

How to Fix the "File Type Is Not Permitted" Fault in WordPress

Let'due south add your file extension to WordPress so y'all don't come across "deplorable, this file type is non permitted for security reasons" any more. You don't need to utilize an FTP client because nosotros'll exist working entirely in the WordPress admin expanse.

At the end of the article, we also added some frequently asked questions on WordPress file types that y'all may observe helpful.

Pace one: Install the File Upload Types Plugin

The starting time thing we need to do is install the File Upload Types WordPress plugin. This plugin is 100% free and was created by the aforementioned team that created WPForms.

To outset, open up your WordPress dashboard and head to Plugins » Add New.

Add New plugin in WordPress

Search for the File Upload Types plugin in the search box at the elevation.

Search for the File Upload Types plugin

Click Install Now, and so click Activate.

Activate File Upload Types plugin to fix 'file type is not permitted' error

Great! Now let's add the file types you need. The good news is that we aren't going to need to use File Managing director or edit whatever cadre WordPress files to do this.

ii. Allow Additional File Types in WordPress

By default, WordPress only allows the following file types:

Category Extensions
Images .jpg .jpeg .png .gif .ico
Sound files .mp3 .wav .ogg .m4a
Documents .pdf .dr. .docx .ppt .pptx .pps .ppsx .odt .xls .xlsx .psd
Video files .mp4 .m4v .mov .wmv .avi .mpg .ogv .3gp .3g2

This means you lot can't upload common files types like .csv and.svg.

If the extension you desire to upload isn't on the list, nosotros can search for it in the File Upload Types plugin to speedily enable it.

In the WordPress dashboard, click Settings » File Upload Types.

Click the File Upload Types WordPress menu to fix file type not allowed

The settings for the File Upload Types plugin volition open in your browser.

File Upload Types plugin settings

On the left, you can see a list of preset file types. It's like shooting fish in a barrel to add any of these file types to WordPress.

To commencement, in the Search File Types box, search for the file type you desire to add to the allowlist in WordPress.

In this example, we're going to search for CAD file types.

Search for file type to fix file type not allowed error

All of the preset file types for CAD files along with their MIME types.

To let whatsoever of these file types to exist uploaded in WordPress, just check the box next to each one. And so gyre downwardly and click the orange Save Settings button.

Select file types to add to the allowlist to fix the file type is not allowed error

When the page reloads, y'all'll notice that the file types you lot selected are now listed in a new department titled Enabled.

These will no longer trigger the 'Deplorable, this file type is non permitted for security reasons' warning.

Fixed 'sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons'

That's it! Now when you upload these files, you won't get the 'lamentable, this file type is not permitted for security reasons' message.

You lot might want to add more file types to the allowlist. For example, bound to this guide to have Adobe Illustrator (AI) file uploads in WordPress.

Next up, permit's expect at creating custom file types for files that aren't on the preset list.

3. Add Custom File Types to WordPress

If the file type y'all want to upload isn't listed in the File Upload Types plugin, you can add it every bit a custom file blazon easily. To do this, yous'll demand to know the MIME type for the file.

MIME types are sometimes called internet file types. The MIME blazon describes the actual contents of the file. We tin can easily find the MIME type using the MIME file type checker.

Upload a file similar to the one you want to accept. The tool volition expect at the first few bytes and study the file type.

Check the MIME type for file not permitted error

That's information technology! Now yous know the MIME type.

In this example, let'due south add the .heif file format so users can upload smartphone images to your WordPress site.

Start in the File Upload Types plugin. At the peak, click the Add your custom file types link to add together the new extension to the list of permitted file types.

Add custom MIME type to fix file type is not allowed error

Yous'll meet the Add custom file types department now. This is where you tin can add as many boosted file types as you demand.

For this file type, nosotros're going to type in:

  • A description for the custom file blazon – you can type annihilation yous desire here
  • The MIME blazon (if you need to add more than 1, separate them with a comma)
  • The file extension, including the leading period .

In this example, the MIME type for a .heif file is epitome/heif, then allow's go ahead and add that every bit a custom file type.

Custom file upload type added to WordPress

In one case that's washed, click Salve Settings.

Your custom file type volition be listed in the Enabled department in the plugin.

Heif uploads enabled in WordPress

Now we can go ahead and upload these image files without getting the 'distressing, this file blazon is not permitted for security reasons' fault in WordPress.

And that'southward it! Now yous know how to enable unsupported file types in WordPress.

Create Your WordPress File Upload Grade Now

Frequently Asked Questions on File Upload Security

In this department, we'll look at some additional questions on file upload types in WordPress.

How Do I Upload Files to WordPress?

To create a file upload course, you need WPForms. It's the best file upload plugin for WordPress and lets y'all accept different types of files.

WPForms comes with a file upload form template and lets you create customized file upload forms easily without writing any code.

You can use the WPForms 'Modern' style file upload field to let visitors drag and drib files onto your forms. They tin can run across the filename and a preview thumbnail instantly:

Modern file upload drag and drop

And with WPForms, you can besides:

  • Allow visitors to upload images to your website
  • Automatically relieve uploaded files to the WordPress Media Library
  • Re-create uploaded files to Google Drive
  • Require payment on your file upload form.

Can I Permit Any File Extension Using the File Upload Types Plugin?

Yes, the File Upload Types plugin allows y'all to upload any file type you want – even executable files. This means you lot tin can accept any upload without seeing 'Deplorable, this file blazon is non permitted for security reasons'.

However, unless you're an practiced user, nosotros don't recommend that you allow executable files to exist uploaded to WordPress. Information technology gives hackers an easy way to infect your site with malware, so it's a definite security issue.

Besides, go on in mind that some file types could yet be blocked for ii reasons:

  • Your form builder plugin may nevertheless cake files for security reasons. For example, WPForms will always block executable files like .exe .msi and .html, ignoring the settings in the File Upload Types plugin.
  • Sometimes your web hosting provider won't allow users upload file types on its own blocklists.

What Does MIME Hateful?

MIME stands for 'multipurpose internet mail extensions'. It was originally developed to allow media files to be sent via electronic mail. The MIME header in a file tells the figurer how to process or display the contents of the file.

What Does "This File Was Non Uploaded. File Blazon Not Immune" Hateful?

You might see this fault in WordPress after adding unsupported file types. Information technology usually ways that the MIME blazon doesn't lucifer the file yous've tried to upload.

To gear up this, check that you lot have the right MIME blazon associated with your custom file type. You tin can employ the MIME type checker in Step three (above) to exercise this.

Tin can I Block Specific File Types on Specific Forms?

Yes, in WPForms yous can specify which file types y'all desire to allow on a specific form.

To practise that, click on the File Upload field to edit the settings. Type in the extensions you lot want to allow in the Immune File Extensions box.

Be sure to use the correct format for the upload settings. Start each extension with a period . and separate multiple extensions with a comma ,

Choose the file extensions on your file upload form

You tin likewise specify a maximum file size for the file upload. Past default, WPForms volition utilize the maximum file size allowed on your server. If you're non sure what this is, you tin can hover your mouse over the tooltip next to the field.

Allow file types on file upload form in WordPress

If the maximum file size setting is too low, y'all'll want to increase it on your server. We recommend that you lot reach out to your web hosting provider for aid.

Tin can I Allow Unsupported File Types Without a Plugin?

Yes, you can allow whatever files to be uploaded past editing your site's wp-config.php or the WordPress theme'south functions.php file.

In the wp-config.php file, the following code allows all uploads without whatsoever filtering at all:

ascertain('ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS', true);        

Keep in mind that this code presents a serious security adventure. It allows hackers to upload whatsoever type of file to your website, so it's definitely not a method we recommend.

It's much safer to use the File Upload Types plugin because information technology lets you allow but the file types that you need, and it ways you won't demand to worry about overwriting your changes when you update WordPress in the future.

Create Your WordPress File Upload Class Now

Next Pace: Add a Dropbox File Upload Form

Would you lot similar to automatically transport file uploads to a cloud storage service? Check out this article on how to add a Dropbox file upload grade in WordPress. This tin can assist you to store uploaded files in the deject if you lot don't want to keep them on your web server, or in the Media Library.

Prepare to build your form? Get started today with the easiest WordPress form builder plugin. WPForms Pro includes a file upload form template and offers a fourteen-day money-back guarantee. You can collect payments with Square, Stripe, PayPal, and and do so much more.

If this commodity helped y'all out, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more free WordPress tutorials and guides.


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