When spouses divorce, they may be able to accomplish an agreement apropos property division and spousal back up, equally well equally child support, custody, and visitation, if applicable. The agreement might so be potentially modified or, if everything in it seems off-white, approved by a judge and volition exist subject to enforcement through the courts. Where spouses cannot accomplish an agreement, a court will return a determination on the terms of the agreement and enforce it.

Ideally, parents or spouses will abide by the courtroom orders. Nonetheless, conflicts can arise where one ex-spouse or parent breaches provisions in the order, for example, by failing to make spousal or child support payments or failing to respect visitation instructions. When this happens, and ex-partners cannot solve the dispute amicably, they have the option to bring a instance to court through a "show cause hearing" with the objective to brand the violating party comply.

What is a Show Cause Hearing in Family unit Court?

A prove crusade hearing is scheduled in family court when one parent or spouse files a petition (a legal document) with the court request for specific relief because a court society regarding family matters or domestic relations has been violated.

A evidence crusade hearing helps a estimate acquire more information from both spouses before making a decision on the dispute. The asking party should bespeak to the specific provisions of the court club that take allegedly been violated and describe how the order was violated in detail. The opposing political party will too take an opportunity to demonstrate, through either testimonial or physical evidence, how they complied with the order or they may provide a valid defense for why they accept non complied.

After hearing from both parties, a estimate may grant relief if circumstances so crave. Relief can have many forms such every bit:

  • Issuing an order calling for the violating party to comply.
  • Modifying a visitation society.
  • Transferring custody rights to the other parent.

When i of the divorcees keeps violating the order issued by a gauge, they can be found in antipathy of the court. In the eyes of a courtroom, this is a rather serious human activity of misconduct, which is why a person might be required to serve jail time or pay a hefty fine.

A Show Cause Hearing to Enforce Child Support Orders

All 50 states and the District of Columbia maintain that parents take an obligation to back up their children until they achieve the and then-called "historic period of majority," which is usually 18 years. To ensure that this obligation is fulfilled, a court volition issue a child support order which has either been agreed to past the parents or, in the absence of an agreement, determined past the court. Each parent must comply with the terms set forth past the estimate in such an lodge.


Courts may only event an social club to prove cause so long as they accept jurisdiction. Therefore, the Uniform Interstate Family Back up Human action (UIFSA) was created so a broad range of courts can have jurisdiction and a parent cannot avert child support payments only past leaving the state in which the order was issued.

Nether UIFSA, court will accept jurisdiction over the non-custodial parent where they:

  • Are given notice and served with legal papers indicating the nature of the dispute.
  • Consent to the court'south jurisdiction and/or do not oppose information technology.
  • Take lived in the state prior to the birth of a child and provided fiscal support during pregnancy.
  • Have brought the child to live indefinitely in the country.
  • A child was conceived from the act that a non-custodial parent engaged in inside the land.


Where a parent halts either all or partial payments, the non-violating spouse will have to appoint a court in the process to ensure such payments are being made. A court might:

  • Issue an Lodge: A courtroom gild calling for all missed kid support payments to be paid. An social club may specify the time in which the payments should be received.
  • Withhold Wages: Where the kid support payment is direct withheld from the not-custodial parent'south salary
  • Place a Lien: A court may place a lien on existent or personal belongings in order to receive payment. If support is non paid, the receiving party has a right to the property.
  • Withhold Federal Income Tax Deductions: Revenue enhancement refunds volition exist withheld to cover the child support costs.
  • Suspend the License: State issued licenses (eastward.1000. driver's or professional license) can be suspended or revoked until the parent comes into compliance.
  • Impose Passport Restrictions: The non-custodial parent may not be able to renew their passport until they come into compliance.
  • Find a Spouse to be in Contempt of Courtroom: A judge will event an order for the non-custodial parent to exist subject to jail time either for a specified period or until they come into compliance with the lodge.

Generally, a court will beginning by imposing the least intrusive means and issue an order to hogtie payments. This is usually enough to become the not-custodial parent to comply. However, if repeated violations occur, the courtroom will exist more likely to grant orders targeting the not-custodial parent's wages, taxes, licenses, or hold them in antipathy.

A Show Cause Hearing to Enforce Custody and Visitation Orders

Judicial orders regarding parenting responsibilities, such equally custody and visitation orders, are mandatory past nature and require both parents to appoint or refrain from certain types of acquit with their children. Parents who fail to follow the court guild are subject to the remedies of civil and criminal contempt designed to bring the violating parent into compliance and sometimes, to punish them for past violations or recoup the other parent.


Similar with the child back up orders, courts may only enforce custody orders if they have jurisdiction over both parents. The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) was designed to enforce such orders even across state and international borders.

Under UCCJEA, courts will enforce custody agreements authorized in another land when that other state'southward order is substantially similar to the requirements of the deed. Parties should be given observe about the nature of the proceedings and given an opportunity to appear in courtroom.


Under the UCCJEA, custody orders may be enforced in one of the following means:

  • Expedited Enforcement Proceeding: A hearing is held within 24 hours of service where the violating parent may present whatever feasible defenses. Unless they have established a defense, the courtroom volition grant concrete custody of the child to the moving party. In an emergency, this may be issued in conjunction with a warrant discussed below.
  • Physical Custody Warrants: If it is likely that a kid is in danger of being physically harmed or relocated exterior the state, a court may issue a warrant assuasive land officials to gain physical custody of a child.
  • Public Enforcement Options: Officials, usually prosecutors, are authorized to have civil activity to find a child and facilitate their safe render or enforce a custody order. The prosecutor may as well ask law enforcement for assist and may choose to criminally prosecute a not-compliant parent.